Dr. Jakub Milczarek Dr. Jakub MilczarekCiencia forense y especialista en conservación

Examination of paint traces by means of pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) for forensic purposes 10.2004 - 06.2009

Tipo: PhD thesis - analytical chemistry/ forensic chemistry Lugar: Institute of Forensic Research in Kraków, Poland

Silver car paints

The aim of the research was to develop a new analytical procedure of paint analysis for forensic purposes by means of pyrolysis gas chromatography mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS).

An optimization of GC/MS system and pyrolysis parameters as well as the new analytical procedure and semi-quantitative procedure for comparison of pyrograms were developed.

On the bases of pyrograms obtained for model polymer materials (acrylic, epoxy, alkyd, polyesters, polyamides, silicones etc.) it was possible to point out important compounds present in pyrolisate and characteristic for analysed polymers. Over 200 samples of clearcoats (acrylic), topcoats (alkyd) and primers (epoxy) of car paints were analysed.

Filament Pyrolyser

The analytical procedure was also used for analysis of spray paints on plasters.

In the last step of the research the special computer programme PyCSI which allows collecting, searching and comparison of pyrograms, was developed.

The obtained results were also compared with results from FT-IR and SEM/EDX analysis of paint samples.

PhD presentation (in Polish)


„Identyfikacja i rozróżnianie śladów lakierowych metodą pirolitycznej chromatografii gazowej (Py-GC/MS) dla potrzeb wymiaru sprawiedliwości”
Projekt badawczy finansowany przez KBN (O T00C 013 26) – 03/2004 – 03/2007

„Utworzenie w formie aplikacji komputerowej bazy pirogramów lakierów samochodowych dla celów kryminalistycznych”
Projekt badawczy-promotorski finansowany przez MNiSW (O N204 003034) – 04/2008 – 03/2009

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